Seek Him First

Think about all the different roles you play in a single day: parent, spouse, employee, confidant, student, boss, child, caretaker, friend, cook, sibling, and the list goes on. We quickly move from one to the next or even juggle multiple roles at one time. With each role we are given or willingly take on‚ there are heaps of joy and satisfaction, but there are also expectations that can become overwhelming. The goals, responsibilities, dreams and even people who come with each of these roles will fight to take precedence over the biggest priority we should have.

Matthew 6:33 says, Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. To me, this means that if we actively choose to seek out God first, then he will equip us with what we need to fulfill all of our roles. That sequence makes me take a big deep breath and let out a sigh of relief. Some days I feel ill-equipped to do any of my roles even slightly well, but knowing that if I intentionally spend time with the Lord first, I will become equipped!

Wanting to do things with excellence is a great goal. But trying to do it on our own can be overwhelming and we will become exhausted. On one hand, we are called to do things well (Colossians 3:23), yet the Lord also says, My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:30) So how can we be called to excellence AND to a light burden? The answer goes back to seeking Him first.

The reality is that with Jesus as our guide, we will be more efficient and clear-minded about daily decisions. God wants us to be mindful of what he thinks about our situation. God wants us to partner with him as we move through our daily lives, not just in the big things. He promises to take care of us in all our roles and in all our needs.

Seek Him First
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