1Kings 17:8-16. By the mouth of the prophet Elijah prophecy that there would be no rain in the land of Israel for three years because of their sins. but God has send Elijah to Zarephath in Zidon to a widow woman which He commanded to sustain him until the years of famine is ended.
Look what this widow and God has in command is that she has personal relationship with God so that He can use her to sustain His servant in the time of famine God is still the all sufficient God.

This woman didn’t have enough for herself and her son much more for some one else. her hope was the last meal left then we will die after. God’s purpose was He is the provider even when nothing left in the barrel or a bottle of oil. The obedience of Elijah to God leadings and the widow was obedient to the prophet instructions. give me a drink of water and bake me the cake first and then for yourself and your son after. The promise came before the prophecy the options comes before the conditions. Vs.15-16. READ The barrel of meal wasted not or the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord. This is the act of obedience God is looking from us today, when there is no food in the house to feed the children, when it’s seems like a famine passing through your life and there’s no one to call on for help. Just remember God is a God of abundance. a broken heart and a contrite spirit He will not despised. He will provide and send your miracle just in time. so learn to give to God, learn to share with God’s servants and God will remember you in the days of your needs.
Dr. L. Smith